About Our Tours
The historic Lowell Cemetery offers group tours each spring and fall for the public to enjoy an interesting walk through our beautiful garden style cemetery. The Lowell Cemetery tours focus on art and history and explore early mourning customs. Learn about the significance of Victorian monument symbols and listen to engaging anecdotes about the people buried here.

Cemetery Tour Information
The spring and fall tours are conducted by local historian and Register of Deeds, Richard Howe, Jr. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and bring an umbrella if the weather is questionable. There is plenty of parking inside the Cemetery.
Self-Guided Tour of Veterans' Graves
Self-Guided Tour of Veterans' Graves: Civil War to Gulf War. Read more here
Private Cemetery Tours
Private tours for school groups, garden clubs, historical societies, and social organizations can be arranged by contacting the Cemetery office at: [email protected] or by calling the Cemetery office at: 978-454-5191.
Public Cemetery Tours
Walking tours are offered one weekend each Spring and Fall. Join us for a 90-minute tour and hear stories of history and monuments through the fascinating lives of those who are interred in the Lowell Cemetery. From Civil War heroes and mill girls to social reformers, inventors, athletes, philanthropists and titans of industry, they all have the Lowell Cemetery as their final resting place. Specific dates and times will be posted on FaceBook and Instagram and additional information is available by calling: 508-454-5191.
Plan Your Private Cemetery Tour
Want to learn more about our cemetery tours for your group or organization? Contact our staff today for a private tour of Lowell Cemetery.